Victory *add you favorite warm beverage here*

Remember back a few months ago when I told you that on December 12th, I was going to hand the second draft of The Afterlife Occurence over to Catrine for some feedback? And that I’d be getting the second draft to one of her stories in return?
Guess what. We did it!
By it I mean I handed it over to her, on a spiffy USB-drive. I didn’t have a chance to get through the entire thing, so she is actually getting some first draft Nano-written crazy-times story. I have already warned her there might be some repetitive action going on, but hopefully it won’t be too bad a read. I may also have apologised. I’ll be doing that again later.
My neck has been acting up on the this past week, which prevented me from getting though more than about 60 pages (of about 300). Physical therapy seems to have worked somewhat, and am going back later in the week as well, so I should be able to continue editing this during the holiday.
What I learned this week was that I may not hate editing as much as I thought I did. So long as I stop messing with the first chapter and move on to the rest. Which may seem obvious, but I have been struggling getting past the first chapter to be honest. I also learned that sometimes, Nano-written madness is evil and needs to be deleted. Other times, it’s freaking gold!
With 2015 almost over, I may not have finished the second draft as I wanted (the year isn’t over yet though), but we made a plan to exchange second drafts, and we stuck to it, and that in itself is a major victory!
Go us!