Worldbuilding weekend
For the past two weekends I’ve been working on The Plan! I’ve been trying to figure out the countries and capitals, also known as bullet number two on my list. Last weekend I got all the countries down, and got started on the capitals. I’ve had a few of them for a while, but for the others, I wanted to find some that would fit with the country, and the people I imagine living there.
I continued that work today, and got the rest of the capitals on the main continent sorted. I found using Tanzania and Zimbabwe as a base for the cities worked really well with the language I have for the series (not at all a proper language yet, but bits and pieces that at some point will need fleshing out).
With all that ready, I declare bullet point number two of The Plan! completed! I was only supposed to do the main continent now, but the second continent is taking form in my mind, and I’ll try to get that figured out by the end of the weekend as well. It’s become an empire, which is pretty awesome, and also works really well with the story. Makes more sense for it to be an empire made up of five provinces, than five separate countries.
Next step on the list is geography, rivers, mountains and climate. I’m off to a pretty good start there, having spent a few hours in Photoshop this past week making a map of the main continent. Took forever just to get the coastline right, but with that done, I can focus on the mountains and rivers. I have a lot of mountain ranges in my world, but some places they don’t need to be quite as massive as they are on te current map.
Of course, soon I need to let this rest for a bit, as I am falling behind on editing TAO. The dreaded editing. But with Nano just a month away, and December 12th two and a half months, I really need to get my butt moving and edit like my life depended on it.
Also, Nano planning must be done at some point before November. Detailed planning. Which requires some worldbuilding in itself, as the Nano novel is Remnants, which is sci-fi in actual space with planets and stuff.
I may be slightly screwed.