How to do everything and survive
With the first draft of Memories finally finished, I’ve tried to find out how I’m doing in terms of all the things I want to do in 2015 but I probably won’t have time for. Which, as it turns out, is a much longer list than I had originally thought. In other words, well shit!
Ignoring the second draft of TAO for a moment, I still have quite a few others things I want to do before the end of the month, and not all of them are writing related. Some of them will also be pretty darn time-consuming, which means the actual time left over for writing and editing is a lot less than I would prefer. In fact, it’s not looking good at all.
I started a new job in June, and for that I’ll have to take a certification test in november and december. Which means I am back in school for the first time in years. The certification is set up with five modules throughout the est few months. Three to four days will be spent in Oslo, learning all the things I need to learn for the two exams I’ll have at the end of the year. Now usually this wouldn’t be a problem, except as I found this past week, I have no creativity left at the end of the day after having spend 7-9 hours in various lectures. A lot of it is practical work as well, so it’s not all listening and taking notes, and trying not to fall asleep in my chair.
Now if you’re thinking, but you have a masters in archaeology, you should be used to lots of lectures, let me point out that as a student, I had class 2-3 days a week, and those were usually no longer than 2 hours. Sometimes four, but those were a rarity. In other words, I had it easy.
But yeah, so, no creativity at all. I watched Netflix and that was about it. Oh, and did some shopping, but that’s not important right now. What is important is that I can’t count on those trips when it comes to writing or editing. Then there’s the weekly riding lessons every Thursday, as well as another two to three trips to the gym during the rest of the week as well. Right not that is usually Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays, but the mid-week workout may be moved around a bit. Because I also have Gandalf, the student radio show I am a part of. I am no longer the program director, but I still want to take part as often as time allows.
After all of this, I need to have some time set aside for friends and family, though sometimes that can be combined with writing. As is the case with Catrine and I, who often meet up to write (and talk. There is a lot of talking going on. Maybe more than writing. Sometimes. *cough*).
And then there is the writing stuff, and the editing, and the reading, and seriously, I am running out of hours of the day here. So I had to make some decisions when it came to which projects I should focus on. And I came up with a plan. A good one. (Honestly!)
- TAO: Notecarding the whole darn thing. Find out what goes where, what is missing, and more importantly, what can go away!
- TAO: Do the actual editing. DO IT! Also known as, finish the second draft by December 12th. Cause that is when you hand it over to Catrine.
- Remnants: This is now a NaNo thing. Cause doing this AND doing something else for Nano is the kind of madness you don’t have time for anymore. So write it. 75k words is the goal, but seriously, if you can finish it in 50,001 words, YAY!
- Remnants: Editing stuff. Get started on it. No, you won’t finish. Who cares? Get started, and maybe you can post the first part on Wattpad by Christmas!
- Fantasy-series: World building. Seriously! Get it sorted! At the very least, get the basics down. Peoples names. Countries. Loose the Duke and Darling, cause seriously, three mercenaries with D-names is only a good idea during Nano. Also, get a working title if you’re still too scared to share the real one. Plus last names are a thing that characters should have. No really!
This plan might be a bit ambitious. And by a bit, I mean are you freaking kidding me?
But I’ll never get stuff done unless I try, and this is all stuff I need to be working on. So, I put it in The Plan! The Plan is awesome. It might very well be the end of me, but let’s not dwell on silly little details.