So I decided to do the thing
The self-publishing thing I mean. I’ve been toying with the idea of self-publishing one of my short stories via Smashwords for a while. Last week I decided to just got for it. Today, I published The Answer at the X!

I choose The Answer at the X for two reasons. One, it was already finished, and only needed some professional proofreading before it was ready. And two, it’s a story I could see an audience for. Besides, once I write some of those snippets and short stories I’ve got in my head that is set in that world, I can publish them as well. The shorter ones for free of course, and the longer once for a low price. None of this is about making money though, but as I’ve put money into publishing this, especially by getting a professional cover made, I couldn’t justify giving it away for free.
The first part of this story will remain on Wattpad, as a way to find new readers, and introduce this world to more people. In publishing this story, I’m not leaving Wattpad behind, but instead opening my eyes to even more opportunities.
In choosing Smashwords, I chose a service that seemed the best option for this kind of book. They provide a free ISBN, which I liked, and they also distribute books to a number of different markets around the world. They also have more format options than some others, which really appealed to me. I’ll probably do a follow-up post that offers a more in-depth view of how this all came to happen, but for now, I just wanted to share the news with you all.
That I did a thing.
I self-published a short story.
And I’m kinda scared shitless of how that’s going to turn out in the end.