Wednesday is the new Saturday
No really, it is. I swear. OK, so maybe it’s not, but it is the day I am posting this weeks Saturday Snippet, which I was gonna post three days ago, but then stuff happened, and I accidentally finished reading Broken Homes instead of writing or posting snippets.
What’s this all about you ask? Saturday Snippet is a bi-monthly column run by Catrine, where you post a snipped from something you have written. It can be from your book, poem, or anything else you have written. Post it, link to it in her post, and check out what everyone else has posted!
My brain is having issues of the crackling kind. I think my internal microphone, or whatever the hell they put in there that make it possible for walking weapons of mass destruction to speak with me at will, is broken. Or, more broken, to be precise. I know it was broken days ago when the voices went away. But now it’s cracking about, being all kinds of annoying, and I think I may just need to hit myself over the head with something if this doesn’t stop soon. At least then I’ll be unconscious.
There we have it, what I was supposed to post on Sunday (because Saturday, the actual snippet day, I was pre-occupied with packing and Deadpool). This was also just written, because I’m on the wrong computer for my writing stuff, about to leave for work, and figured why the heck not.