Procrastination has a name
It also has four legs. A tail. And barks at small children clutching their dolls, strangers going the other direction, and anyone who dare call me while she is in her cage. It’s name is Moya, is a year and a half old chihuahua, and I love her to bits! Even if she is making writing or editing kind of hard, as she keeps interrupting me by dropping her toys in front of me – or on top of me – and stares at me until I throw it.
I’ve been wanting a dog for ages, and suddenly I saw an ad searching for a new home for her, as her previous owner had gotten a job out of the country, and couldn’t bring her with her. She had a different name, but since that didn’t really work for me, I changed it. Yeah yeah, cruel is I, but really, she barely even responded to the old name anyway, and I just couldn’t see myself yelling it all over the place. So I went with Moya, after the ship in Farscape (of course).
I have gotten some writing done though, but not on Answers, even though that is the story I really need to finish. Instead I wrote a >200 word story in response to a challenge over at Wattpad.
The Fourth Sunrise is the tale of the last showdown between former giants, a response to the Superheroes vs. (super)villains challenge.
It’s short, not so sweet, and as always with Wattpad, you may need to create an account to read it. Or, you know, just use Facebook login, which may just be easier.