A new theme, and some good news
First off, I went and changed the theme again. I’ve been waiting to do it for a while, as the old one had a few flaws, plus didn’t look quite right on my MacBook. It’s taken me a while to find a new theme I liked though. I’ve found that I prefer simple themes to more busy ones, and I really like the simplicity of this one. And if I ever want to switch it up, it does have a pro version that will give me different layouts without having to switch themes. It’ll require some saving though, as it isn’t cheap, but I’m more than happy to pay for quality themes made by professionals.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘Why aren’t you writing?‘ To that, I can answer only this. I AM!
That’s right, I’ve been a good girl this week and have worked on Answers. In fact, I’ve only got about one more scene to write, which I intend to work on tonight. I’ve had to make a few changes on the last two parts, which is why it’s taken me so long to get done. Some heavy editing has also been required, and we all know how much I just love editing.
If all goes according to plan (v.2.0) I’ll be posting the rest of it tomorrow. Or perhaps spread it out over the week, but it will be finished on my hard drive by midnight tomorrow.
Feels good to be back in the swing of things. As you may have noticed, I’m not doing Camp Nanowrimo this month. I decided I wouldn’t add that pressure on top of everything else, and will instead just work my way through my projects. So, what’s next after I finish this? Well, editing TAO of course. If I feel I want to write instead of editing one day, I’ll just continue with Remnants, which is still trying to become a series, and at this point I’ve stopped fighting that. What happens will happen, and I’ll just go with it. Love the world I’m creating there, and with so much to explore, I think I may just have a third series in progress. Oh joy.