Saturday Snippet: October 17th
Saturday Snippet is a bi-monthly column run by Catrine, where you post a snipped from something you have written. It can be from your book, poem, or anything else you have written. Post it, link to it in her post, and check out what everyone else has posted!
This weeks snippet comes from The Afterlife Occurrence, still on he first chapter, as that is as far as I’ve made it in the editing process. Now, if you’re thinking I’ve been on the first chapter for months, you’d be right. This is in fact the fourth or fifth edit of the first chapter. Or sixth.
Yes, I have a problem.
Now forget I ever admitted that, and read the snippet. Then check out Catrine’s blog for other snippets, and if you write, post and link you own. Even if it’s not in English, post it anyway.
At 28, Adrian Lynx Peterson was pretty happy about his life. He had a good job, rented a nice and clean apartment, and had just enough friends. He lived a normal, boring life, and everything about him was just the way he wanted it; one hundred percent ordinary. Of course, that was before the day he had a rather unfortunate and somewhat sudden encounter with a large moving vehicle, and died.