Camp Nanowrimo, I’m coming for you
I’ve done Camp Nanowrimo several times. Or, to be more precise, I’ve tried to do Camp Nanowrimo. You see, I’ve never actually managed to make the goals I’ve set for myself. I usually get some writing done, which is a win for me since I always seem to struggle writing regularly eleven out of twelve months of the year. Wanna bet which month I actually manage to write almost every day? Yeah, like it’d be any month but November.
This April though, I will make Camp Nanowrimo my bitch. Seriously! I’m using it to write the short story I’ll be posting to Wattpad at the end of the month. Sure, it won’t be perfect, but it’ll be a complete story that is less than 10k (shooting for 5k). I have a terrible track record when it comes to writing shorts. I mean, Remnants was supposed to be a short, and right now I’m struggling not to make that into a series. It’ll end up anywhere between 75k and 100k I recon, if I can rein in the plot before it hits a growth spurt.
The working title for the short is Legacy, but I’m fairly sure I’ll go with something else in the end. I’ll have to see how I feel about the title once I finish the story. It’s all plotted out, and I’m a little over halfway through at 3000 words. At least I think I’m halfway through. I guess we’ll see what happens in the coming weeks.
I know some people are probably wondering why I, as someone who wants to be a published author the old-fashioned way, seem so focused on posting my story online where people can read it for free. Honestly, to get my stories out there. It won’t be perfect, but that’s not the point. I want to see how people react to my writing. Do they like it? Hate it? Want more? I’m hoping for feedback, good and bad, because I know that will help me become a better writer. Isn’t that what it’s all about in the end? To evolve as a writer?!
“We tried too hard to save the world”
That’s the opening line of Legacy. Want to know what that’s all about? Stick around, you’ll find out in a month.
I hope.