Happy Holidays!
It’s Christmas Eve, and here in Norway, this is when we celebrate. The tree has been decorated, and the pinnekjøtt is cooking on the stove. If you’re wondering what that is, I found an excellent explanation in English on this blog. Directly translated, it means “stick meat”, and it’s the traditional Christmas dinner in my part of the country. We got it ready cut this year, but previous years we’ve just bought the salted and dried rib-side (basically, half the ribcage) and cut it into the sticks ourselves. Requires a saw and really sharp knife though, and this year we just didn’t want to have to deal with that on top of everything else.

I’ve taken two weeks off work this holiday, which was much-needed. It also gives me plenty of time to both read Catrine’s book, as well as continue editing The Afterlife Occurrence. I may also continue writing on Remnants, so I can have that finished in January, and ready for some edits before I start sharing that with everyone. I’ll just have to see how much I have time for, in between reading and spending time with my family. My sister is visiting with her family, so we’ll be a full house tonight.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, and wish you all the best.
Happy Holidays!