Saturday Snippet: August 22th
Saturday Snipped is a bi-monthly column run by Catrine, where you post a snipped from something you have written. It can be from your book, poem, or anything else you have written. Post it, link to it in her post, and check out what everyone else has posted!
I’m currently at the local Starbucs again, trying to finish Memories, and enjoying my frappuccino. When thinking of the snippet I wanted to share this week, I ende up with the opening paragraph of The Afterlife Occurrence.
Death is final. For most of us, human or otherwise, it’s pretty much the end of the road. Weather or not you believe in the afterlife, your life on earth is over. For most people that is. For Adrian Lynx Peterson, a man who liked his middle name about as much as he liked spiders (that is to say, not at all), death was the end. Sort of.
This is the second draft opening, which is much improved from the first draft. Still not entirely happy with it, but then again, will I ever be?