Aaaand it’s November again!
It’s October 31st, less than three hours until midnight, when once again thousands of people – myself included – all over the world will start writing like mad to get to 50,000 words by December 1st.
I had intended to finish editing TAO by now, so I could focus on Remnants for Nanowrimo. That didn’t happen. I’ve been dealing with some health issues for the past six weeks, resulting in – among other things – exhaustion. Lots of blood tests and a stomach CT later, and we still don’t know why exactly. Not gonna go into boring details, but it has caused me to spend an entire month editing one chapter.
So for Nanowrimo this year I’m doing something different. I’m starting off editing the rest of TAO. At this point I’m rewriting everything anyway, so it’ll work out perfectly. Once I’m done with that, I’ll continue with Remnants.
Now, at some point I’ll have to sit down and plot out the rest of Remnants in detail, but I’m gonna wait with that until I’m done with TAO, as I don’t want to switch my focus right now.
I have to admit this is the first year I’m seriously worried about not being able to finish. But hey, I did it in 2011 when I handed in my masters thesis on November 21st and had 9 days to write 40k. So I can do it now.
I’ll probably have to plan on writing a lot during the weekends, as I may not have much energy lest over during the week after work and such. Moya will also be requiring attention, but that will be fine as well. If it comes down to it, I’ll do what I’m doing right now. Type in between throwing her toys for her to fetch.
I have a month of hard work ahead of me. And I know it’ll be awesome!