Words were written!!!
I had a plan, to write a lot of words today. What can I say, words were written!
7,004 words to be exact!
It may not be a full 10k, but you know what, it’s my second best day this November, and it’s freaking awesome!
I’ve only got 2,650 words to go in order to reach 50,000 this November, and I’m pretty sure that’s not going to be a problem. I’m hoping to finish tomorrow. By finish I mean the NaNoWriMo challenge of course, because Remnants is not even close to being finished yet. At this point it’s looking like it’ll end up being 75k long, but considering once upon a time I thought that about Memories as well, I’m taking my own estimate with a grain of salt.
Like always with a Nano-novel, there will be mistakes. My favorite from today was “The cipher core is lace“. There are neither ciphers nor lace in the scene.
I haven’t been sharing as much from the novel this month as I intended, but here is another little snippet that may or may not end up in the finished story.
The goal was never to kill the modified, heck, many of the members were modified back then, in one way or another. It was about stopping the creation of weapons capable of taking out solar systems. Of stopping the growth of weapons mimicking human life in a lab, that were both sentient and capable of emotion, even if present company seems to indicate they don’t use them very often. It was about stopping the course of our own artificial evolution. It was about evening out the divide between the modified and the unmodified, not eradicating it all together.